Dr. Dawn DeSylvia is a nationally recognized board-certified doctor in Family Medicine, with over 15 years experience in Functional and Integrative Medicine.
Upon entering medical school at UCLA in 2004, she knew her work would involve building a bridge between conventional mainstream medicine, and an emerging model of care that integrates up to date science and treatments that are comprehensive and effective at finding the root causes of disease and health. After 10 years at UCLA, in 2013 she went on to open her own holistic health center, Whole Life Health MD, in West Los Angeles, California.
Here, she works with patients (and her colleagues) to help them understand the connections between the nervous and immune system, and the gut/brain connection. She simplifies tests and treatments to address two underlying questions about inflammation and health. Starting with, “What is really making us sick, and causing inflammation (which we know fosters disease to grow and develop)?” and “What does science, confirmed by direct and reproducible experience, tell us, and show us, can be done on a root (not merely symptomatic) level to facilitate and foster health, resilience and longevity?”
She firmly believes we are at a profound time of transition in our evolution. And that we are living in a time that will come to be known as a renaissance; as we are beginning to apply information that allows us to live in a more enlightened and informed way on the planet. And while this transition may be turbulent, we are headed towards greater health, and ease (which is the dis- elution of disease), and subsequent joy.